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"yeo jeong" (여정): Korean for "journey"


Welcome to Yeojeong Consulting & Coaching, a social change consultancy dedicated to developing and strengthening BIPOC, LGBTQ, disabled, migrant, youth, and emerging leaders, organizations, and social movements.

As a diasporic Korean and transnational adoptee, I've been on a journey of some kind almost since the day I was born. Along the way, I've realized how much I truly enjoy accompanying people and organizations as they journey through their next steps in life, leadership, and social change.


My experience in nonprofit organizations and grassroots community work has taught me that liberatory work is at its most visionary and focused when it has a clear, values-centered foundation. In all its projects and partnerships, Yeojeong Consulting & Coaching honors and implements the following values and frameworks as central to its practice:

  • Self-Determination that honors individual and organizational clients' autonomy, decision-making, expertise, and intuition without judgment or shame

  • Integrity in alignment of stated beliefs, public work and presence, and internal practices and policies

  • Curiosity in learning from and about each other, our vast life experiences, and the world around us 

  • Interdependence amongst each other to establish connection and interrupt competition and hyper-independence and with the natural world

  • Trauma Awareness that understands the compounding impacts of interpersonal, institutional, and cultural violence on our bodies, minds, and spirits, and endeavors not to amplify or cause further harm in its work

  • Intersectional Feminism that recognizes gender as interwoven with one's race, class, dis/ability, immigration status, sexuality, and other identities, and understands trans identity and sex work as central to its politics

  • Disability Justice as defined and expanded on by Sins Invalid, which asserts that "all bodies are unique and essential" and "we are powerful, not despite the complexities of our bodies, but because of them"

  • Abolition of policing, prisons, the military, and all other forms of state violence and the cultivation of systems that foster safety, security, health, wellness, creativity, and connection in our communities

Previous Organizational Clients Include...

CAI Global ▫️ Chicago Run ▫️ Chicago Volunteer Doulas ▫️ Circles & Ciphers ▫️  Lift Louisiana ▫️ NAPAWF ▫️ National Lawyers Guild Chicago Chapter ▫️ NQAPIA ▫️ New Jersey Abortion Access Fund ▫️ North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence ▫️ North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Violence ▫️  Trillium Health ▫️ UltraViolet Action ▫️ Woori Network ▫️  Young People For

(c) 2011-2025 Jung Han Messinger / Yeojeong Consulting and Coaching LLC

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